Invent Together | Comments and Testimony Comments and Testimony | Invent Together

Comments and Testimony

USPTO Council for Inclusive Innovation, CI2, Council Member Remarks

Lab-to-Market (L2M) Equity RFI

Comments in Response to 87 FR 33786 “Request for Information to Make Access to the Innovation Ecosystem More Inclusive and Equitable,” FR Doc. 2022-11844 2022 Equitable Innovation Ecosystem Report

OMB Equity RFI

Comments in Response to 86 FR 24029 "Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through Government," Docket No. OMB-2021-0005

Congressional Testimony

Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property:  Improving Access and Inclusivity in the Patent System: Unleashing America’s Economic Engine (April 21, 2021)  Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property: Trailblazers and Lost Einsteins: Women Inventors and the Future of American Innovation (April 3, 2019) House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet: Lost Einsteins: Lack of Diversity in Patent Inventorship and the Impact on America’s Innovation Economy (March 27, 2019) House Committee on Small Business: Enhancing Patent Diversity for America’s Innovators (January 15, 2019)

USPTO Public Hearings on the SUCCESS Act

SUCCESS Act Written Comments

Comments from organizations Comments from individuals

Public Comments on the National Strategy to Expand American Innovation

Public Comment on Patent Bar Diversity and Inclusion

Public Comment on Unleashing American Innovators Act Implementation

Public Comment on Accelerating Commercialization